CITS Dress Making Previous Year Question Paper
CITS Dress Making Previous Year Question Paper
CITS की परीक्षा के लिए Dress Making से संबंधित काफी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं इसीलिए CITS परीक्षा की तैयारी करने वाले सभी उम्मीदवारों को Dress Making से संबंधित जानकारी होना बहुत ही जरूरी है. CITS की तैयारी करने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट पर आपको ऑनलाइन फ्री टेस्ट दिए जाएंगे और इस परीक्षा के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण नोट्स प्रश्न उत्तर के रूप में दिए जाएंगे आज के इस पोस्ट में भी आपको CITS से संबंधित काफी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उनके उत्तर नीचे दिए गए हैं जो कि पहले परीक्षाओं में पूछे जा चुके हैं लेकिन यहां पर हमने सभी प्रशन एक लाइन में दिए हैं ताकि है आपको आसानी से याद हो सके.
Q 1 . Which among the following i s a rule for making body measurements?
A) The person measuring should stand to one s ide of the person being measured.
B) Do not let the person look down at the t ime of measurements being taken.
C) Do not allow the tape to sag while taking horizontal measurements.
D) All of these
Q 2 . Which among the following type of lines on a dress provides the illusion of height?
A) Diagonal line
B) Horizontal line
C) Vertical line
D) Curved line
Q 3 . How many vertical lines are effective in creating the illusion of height in a s lender figure?
A) Single
B) Double
C) Triple
D) Multiple
Q 4 . Which among the following type lines on a dress gives the illusion of dividing height?
A) Vertical line
B) Horizontal line
C) Diagonal line
D) Curved line
Q 5 . Which among the folloiwng emhasize the horizontal lines in a dress?
A) Yokes
B) Wide waistbands
C) extended shoulders
D) All of these
Q 6 . Which among the following i s not standardized but i s based on the organizations procedures?
A) Determination of garment cost
B) Measurement of body parts
C) Sewing operations
D) All of these
Q 7 . Which among the following term i s used to refer the body measurement taken from shoulder or neck point to the t ip of the bust?
A) Bust l ine
B) Bust point height
C) Waistline
D) None of these
Q 8 . Which among the following benefit i s obtained by taking accurate measurements before constructing the garment?
A) Time
B) Cost
C) Labour
D) All of these
Q 9 . On which among the following the foundation of pattern of an individuals garments based on?
A) Figure
B) Personality
C) Measurement
D) Individuality
Q 10 . Which among the following design i s created in a garment by adding extra accessories?
A) Decorative design
B) Garment design
C) Structural design
D) All of these
Q 11 . Which among the following step i s involved in dress making process?
A) Requirement of individual types
B) Study of structural l ines of human f igure
C) Selection of materials
D) All of these
Q 12 . Which among the following type of seam i s shown in the image given below?
A) Plain seam
B) Cup seam
C) Hemmed seam
D) Hairline seam
Q 13 . Which among the following seam i s also known as ” Welt Seam”?
A) Lapped Seam
B) French Seam
C) Mock Flat Fell Seam
D) Serged Seam
Q 14 . Which among the following type of seam i s also known as tucked seam?
A) French Seam
B) Lapped Seam
C) Counter Seam
D) Slot Seam
Q 15 . Which among the following type of seam i s also known as Single Needle Butterfly Stitch?
A) Plain seam
B) Butt seam
C) Piped Seam
D) None of these
Q 16 . Which among the following type of seam i s also known as Corded Seam?
A) Faced seam
B) Piped Seam
C) Lapped Seam
D) Counter Seam
Q 17 . Which among the following type of seam i s shown in the image given below?
A) Hairline seam
B) Butt seam
C) Counter Seam
D) None of these
Q 18 . Which among the following type of seam i s used for sewing heavy fabrics?
A) Lapped Seam
B) Butt seam
C) Tucked Seam
D) Corded Seam
Q 19 . Which among the following i s a cool combination?
A) Pink and blue
B) Brown and dull yellow
C) Gray and blue
D) Depends on context
Q 20 . Which among the following i s known as the l ine of force and beauty?
A) Curved l ine
B) Straight l ine
C) Tangent l ine
D) None of these
Q 21 . Which among the following i s the suitable f ibre, yarn and fabric selection for sports socks?
A) Rayon, Staple yarn, Tricot knit
B) Nylon, f i lament, s ingle knit
C) Cotton, staple yarn, circular knit
D) Polyester, f i lament, Double knit
Q 22 . Nylon multifilamet yarn i s most suitable for which among the following?
A) School uniforms
B) Beach umbrella
C) Business Suits
D) None of these
Q 23 . Which among the following i s a soft knit fabric that i s made of 100 % cotton?
A) Moire
B) Organdie
C) Jersey
D) None of these
Q 24 . Which among the following i s a thicker fabric r ibbing in the weave?
A) Taffeta
B) Tulle
C) Laces
D) Velvet
Q 25 . Which among the following hem falls just above the ankles?
A) Mini
B) Floor
C) Ballerina
D) None of these
Q 26 . Swimsuits are mainly made from which among the following type of f ibre?
A) Cotton
B) Nylon
C) Wool
D) None of these
Q 27 . Which among the following i s a guide containing steps for making garment?
A) Thimble
B) Needle Threader
C) Sewing guage
D) None of these
Q 28 . Which among the following protects the f ingers when sewing by hand?
A) Thimble
B) Sewing gauge
C) Rotary Cutter
D) None of these
Q 29 . Which among the following i s generally used to obtain straight cut on the fabric?
A) Thread Cutter
B) Tape Measurer
C) Rotary Cutter
D) None of these
Q 30 . Which among the following type of f ibre i s obtained by blending natural and artificial f ibres?
A) Joint f ibres
B) Mixed f ibres
C) Real f ibres
D) None of these
Q 31 . Which among the following fabric enables maximized heat retention?
A) Weft knit
B) Warp knit
C) Pile weave
D) Plain weave
Q 32 . Which among the following i s generally used to make gunny bags?
A) Silk
B) Cotton
C) Jute
D) Nylon
Q 33 . Which among the following term i s used to refer the production of s i lkworms?
A) Sericulture
B) Apiculture
C) Pisciculture
D) Horticulture
Q 34 . Which among the following term i s used to refer the thin strands used to make yarns?
A) Weft
B) Tuft
C) Fibre
D) None of these
Q 35 . Which among the following method i s used to produce accurate replication of image on textiles?
A) Heat transfer printing
B) Applique
C) Dyeing
D) Hand Embroidery
Q 36 . Which among the following i s related to the term Product Life cycle?
A) Durability of product during use
B) Development of idea from idea to market introduction
C) Popularity of product from market introduction to getting outdated
D) None of these
Q 37 . In which among the following do we f ind desaturate option in Adobe Photoshop?
A) File menu
B) Layer menu
C) Image menu
D) None of these
Q 38 . Which among the following i s used for Autocontrast option in Adobe Photoshop?
A) File menu
B) Filter menu
C) Image menu
D) None of these
Q 39 . How many color modes are available in Adobe Photoshop?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 5
D) 4
Q 40 . There are ________________ gradient l ines available in Adobe Photoshop.
A) 5
B) 2
C) 6
D) 3
Q u e s t i o n N o . | O pt i o n |
1 | D |
2 | C |
3 | A |
4 | B |
5 | D |
6 | A |
7 | B |
8 | B |
9 | D |
10 | B |
11 | D |
12 | A |
13 | C |
14 | B |
15 | A |
16 | B |
17 | A |
18 | A |
19 | D |
20 | D |
21 | C |
22 | D |
23 | C |
24 | A |
25 | C |
26 | B |
27 | D |
28 | A |
29 | C |
30 | B |
31 | C |
32 | C |
33 | A |
34 | C |
35 | A |
36 | C |
37 | C |
38 | C |
39 | C |
40 | A |
CITS परीक्षाओं की तैयारी करने वाले सभी उम्मीदवारों के लिए इस पोस्ट में Cti entrance exam model paper Dress Making pdf in hindi, Cti entrance exam model paper Dress Making pdf, Cti entrance exam book pdf in hindi, Cti previous year question paper Dress Making, Cits Dress Making previous year question paper pdf, से संबंधित काफी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी दी गई है यह जानकारी फायदेमंद लगे तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करें और इसके बारे में आप कुछ जानना यह पूछना चाहते हैं तो नीचे कमेंट करके अवश्य पूछे.